Sabtu, 19 September 2015


Whatever the circumstances we face, the lives we live are all either !, Whatever we see as evil, everything is good in God's eyes.
God is never wrong invent ourselves, the weave is so good and perfect, so the details so that none of the parts of our body that are not useful.

God never created a good day and a bad day, every day of good is, so do not feel were unlucky on the day, desperate, disappointed and underestimate live.

God is so appreciative of our lives, He never tired enough of shaping us through the process, so that nature and we became good karkter.

Now thanks to Him, for the grace and the grace that is so abundant affluent, even we are created as being the most valuable of all creation.

Luke 12: 7 even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore, do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

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