Kamis, 21 Mei 2015


In the days of Ancient China Once there was a farmer had a neighbor who works as a hunter and has a fierce dogs and poorly trained.

The dogs often jump the fence and chase the sheep farmers. For the farmer asked his neighbor keep his dogs, but he did not want to be bothered.

One day the dogs jumped the fence and attacked some goats so badly injured.

The farmer feels impatient, and decided to go to town to consult a judge.

The judge listened to the farmer carefully and said, "I could punish the hunter and instruct him to chain and imprison her dogs. However, you will lose a friend and gain an enemy. Where are you want, friend or enemies so your neighbor? " The farmer replied that he preferred to have a friend.

"Well, I will offer you a solution according to which you must keep your sheep in order to remain safe and this will make your neighbors remain as friends."

Hearing the judge pack solution, the farmer agreed.

When I got home, the farmer immediately implement the solution pack judge. He took the three best sheep and present it to the neighbor's three children, which he received with joy and began to play with the sheep. To keep his new toy, it mengkerangkeng hunter hunting dogs. Since that time the dogs were never interfere pack sheep farmer.

In addition to the gratitude to the generosity of farmers to their 

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